
Executive Search and Recruitment

Our aim is to provide top-quality international executive search and recruitment services to auction houses, galleries, foundations, private museums, art funds, advisory firms, digital platforms and other players in the art world. These services are also available to companies that serve the art industry in areas such as insurance, maintenance, shipping and logistics.

All these organizations are customer-focused and aware they must build a first-class brand to compete in a changing global marketplace, where convergence is a powerful trend and where the differences between their offerings are smaller and the contours of the primary and secondary markets less distinct.

One of their main concerns is thus to attract and retain outstanding people. Sayers Consultancy’s role is to assist them in doing this by conducting strategic recruitments that will bring creativity, enhance team performance and create value for clients who are embracing change through the hiring of talented people.

Other Services for Long-Term Clients

We offer additional services to clients with whom we have built an ongoing relationship. These services are closely linked to our knowledge of the company’s organization, culture and business priorities. They include:

  • Assessing internal or external candidates identified by the client for a specific position prior to an appointment or recruitment decision
  • Assisting the client in integrating and retaining executives

Board Recruitments and Services

We can assist clients in building experienced boards of directors, particularly when they are committed to making their board membership more international or diverse.

Tracking women directors and the new cadre of female professionals who aspire to serving as board members is important to us.

Talent Watch and Succession Planning

Talent Watch involves tracking and meeting with distinctive individuals we identify in the course of search assignments who we feel could be of interest to our most privileged clients for their longer-term goals or succession planning. Talent Watch effectiveness is contingent on an in-depth understanding of the client company’s organization, culture and business issues. It is based on an appreciation of the client’s vision of what it wants to be in the future.

This service is particularly effective for entities that are undergoing structural change and need to anticipate key hires and new skill requirements in the medium term to support their business plans.

We also work with senior management to optimize succession planning for critical positions.